March Social Awareness Activities and Resources for Students

 I can't believe that March is almost here!  Although students and staff (including myself) are getting spring fever, there is always work to do when it comes to student awareness and education.  In this post, I wanted to share some social awareness campaigns that school counselors can promote between testing (oy!). 

March Social Awareness Campaigns

Self Harm Awareness Day - March 1st
Educate yourself and your staff about self harm.  

Video - What is Self Harm?

Extraordinary School Counselor Blog - Self harm resources and materials.
Free Self Harm Workbook  - Download your free workbook from mental health therapist and vlogger, Kati Morton (no relation).
Eating Disorder Videos -  Check out these videos regarding eating disorders from Kati Morton. 
National Self Harm Awareness Day Face Book page
Is Cutting a Suicidal Activity?
Healing Self-Injury
Safe Alternatives - Check out the lectures from experts in self injury.

Need more information?  Please check out my posts about self harm.

Self harm and the Clueless School Counselor

Secret Pain

Educate Your School About the Tragedy of Eating Disorders


Show self injury awareness by handing out orange ribbons.

Kick Butts Day - March 16


Kick Butts Day is a day of activism where youth are encouraged to educate others about the dangers of tobacco and how the tobacco industry benefits from this nasty addiction.  

Want to know more about Kick Butts Day?  Check out the website for ideas and activities.

Kick Butts Day Website - Educate your students about the dangers of smoking, tobacco, and electronic cigarettes.

 Some no/low cost activities include:
  • How Tobacco Targets Me- Send your students on a hunt for how tobacco targets youth in stores.  Students should be looking for candy cigars, large advertisements outside of convenience stores, e-cigarettes, or  tobacco products near the candy aisle. Students should post their photos using the hashtag #tobaccotargetsme.
  • Chalk the Walk - Use sidewalk chalk on the main entrance or sidewalks to create visuals and quotes to grab students and staff about tobacco.
  • Fatal Flaws- This one takes a little time, but can make an impact.  Choose a fatal flaw on the Toll of Tobacco page and collect the items to display in a public place.
  • Cups in a Fence - Spell out a powerful message about tobacco in a chain link fence. 
  • Tombstones- Create tombstones with messages or facts about tobacco.
National Peer Helper Week - March 21-25

The National Association of Peer Program Professionals will sponsor the 2nd annual Peer Helper Week this March.  If you have a peer helper week and want to recognize your students, consider celebrating your students. 

Need ideas?  Attend the NAPPP webinar on March 7th and go to the website to download the free guide.
