Did You Miss ASCA15? Check This Out!!

Me sulking in the corner because I missed ASCA15
So you were not able to attend ASCA15 this year.  Well, I know the feeling because I was not able to go to Phoenix either!!  However, through the magic of Twitter, I was able to vicariously keep up with the conference from the tweets of fabulous school counselors at ASCA. If you missed the conference, I want to share some amazing resources with you!!

Franciene Sabens - I Built Something Magical and Now I am Ready to Spice it Up!

Danielle Schultz - Notatasca15-Virtual Chat 

Chris Belcher - My Favorite Tweets from #Notatasca15

Susan Spellman Cann 
ASCA15 Conference and Connections in Phoenix
Asca15: Making a Difference...School Counsellors

Jeff Ream - Fiery School Counselor: From Blah to Blazing

Carol Miller - StarBound, Check out her new book

I will so be at ASCA16!
Don't miss next year's conference in New Orleans, LA from July 9-12, 2016.        
